Sunday, January 25, 2009

Back to School

So, the first week has passed, and so far none of my classes have given it's students a break. Assignments are piling up again. 

The good thing though, is that I'm not procrastinating this time, lol. I'm actually done with one assignment, gave another assignment a serious amount of thought, and after I'm done with it, I'll start my third assignment. I also have a calculus quiz on Thursday. I think I'll have everything done, and done well by the time everything is due. 

My studio professor is strict and is known to give more work than is assigned for the rest of the studio students, and my old studio professor (who I love, but gave me a B) told him that I need to be pressured to work efficiently... which means, holy crap! I'm gonna be screwed! Now I really need to show him that I'm up for it. 

Around 15 people already dropped out of the program, and they're expecting another 15 to drop out by next semester. I hope I'm not one of them! Correction: I won't be one of them! Wow, that feels much better, makes me wanna listen to Fighter by Christina Aguilara, lol.

Btw... funny song, I Can Get Sexual Too by Say Anything.


Bliss said...

*pats her in the back*

lol funny song and a very disturbing one ;p

Razz said...

mashalla 3alaich, ana i never opened a single book in university and i managed to graduate in exactly three years!

Anonymous said...


hottie...are you a girl wana madri?


goood luckkk dude =D treating my new semester (nearly a month into it now) as still a holiday =( this post made me feel guilty =$

i have to fix up..SOON!

@alhaidar said...

good luck in the quiz ..

i think its better for u to have a hard teacher .. dont think about the 15 .. just do ur best ..

regards ..

Razz said...

sorry, i mean mashalla 3alaik :S sorry again

Hottie said...

LOL, desertpalms, thank you for clearing that up, hahahaha! What happened to you that day was hilarious! I would have ran out of the class, and probably bought a new phone, lol. Yalla 3ad, med students are supposed to be focused, lol. Good luck!

Bliss: thanks, the song is so funny, I just can't get enough of it.

Think Become: No way! LOL, then you must have cheated! Or you're jst a genious, haha. Don't worry about it dude. It's a blog, so you don't get to see me, and I never really specified that I'm a guy, and I usually don't correct people when they get it wrong. I just think it would cause embarrassment, lol.

Ahmad: Thank you, lol. Short, sweet and right to the point (the comment).