Sunday, February 1, 2009

Holy Shitstickle

Three assignments for tomorrow, none of which are done, and one not even started. I don't know what to do with myself. I can't afford to sleep ten hour nights, I shouldn't even sleep for more than five a day. I don't have the time, and when I'm actually at the studio or computer lab, I'm blogging or daydreaming.

Sorry about the bitching, lol, my phone just died and my ipod is about to die too. :( I hate it when I don't have background music filling my life like colors on a piece of fabric. Without it everything is so plain and boring. I'm not really happy about the amount of work we've been given.


doona said...

awww =(

3ady 3ady we're here to listen to you bitch, so keep spillin dear =)

good shed 7ailk shway elyom =)

♀ L's brain ♀ said...

Divide your work into smaller parts or whatever. Organize your work and you'll be fine. (look who's talking)

Come on! you have done this many times now.

♀ L's brain ♀ said...

oh and shlonich shakhbarich 7abibty hottie?
enshallah zaina? walaht 3alich ya amora :*

lol... a6rfrek :* The comments on your last post cracked me up! LOL
omg.. people and their gender assumptions :P

♀ L's brain ♀ said...

a6rfrek = a6frek :P i'm flooding this comment page :* sorry.

Anonymous said...

LOL at L ;p thanks for cracking me up ! hehe

goood luck dudeee, Allah ywafqk and yeah, u SHUD be used to it by now hehehe uve had many posts about ur deadlines..ul be able to pull through it like you always do.. just concentrate,stop blogging, and gettt to wooooork !! =D

good luck agaaain !

Anonymous said...

Aww poor thing! Come bitchin' with me =) I'm so moody =(

Razz said...

lemme say one thing, been there done that and i got used to it, the best thing you could do is to just finish it.

Nutter said...

i'm with L on this divide and organize your work to smaller parts and it will be done!

i can help out if you like ... the least i can do is sing in the background which WILL keep you awake and alert :P

Good luck!

PaLoMiNo said...

maykhlef ekheth ra7tik yal hottness kilaha ;P

and ur tagged :***********

Hottie said...

Dandoon: Lol, thank you, that's sweet.

L: Hahahahahaahaha, stop it I'm gonna oee my pants! I was so fing shocked when I read shloinch, I was like shit, my wife doesn't even know my gender, hahaha, I've done two asignmnets and half of the third one, my professor was kinda dissapointd, and kinda gave us a shitload of work for friday (gonna be bunking in the studio for a while). I seriously freaked when I saw 5 comments, lol. Wasn't expecting most of them to be form you, lol!

Desertpalms: Thanks, hehe, I know, I wasn't gonna post anything because I knew I'd sound redundant, but I was like, wth, it's my blog, I'll bitch all I want, haha ;P

Zara: Haha. why moody? Is it fahd? Do you want m to kick his ass for you?

On-the-rocks: Yeah, I know what you mean, I slept for four hours last night because I was doing so much work (still didn't finish in time though, I need a better schedule!

Gone Bonkers: I think you're the first person to ever offer to be the source of my background music, guess what happened though. I forgot my charger at the studio, and couldn't go back until this afternoon. It frikin drove me crazy, I'll mention it it in my next post.

Palomina: Tagged again, haha, I feel so loved. (cross eyed lovey dovey face, hahaha)

Anonymous said...

LOL yea kick his ass! I'm moody coz the new semester started and I'm not ready. I felt all the people in uni changed. Maybe it was me who changed. Eeeee I hate studies...

Hottie said...

Zara: I've realized that you friends change each semester... Except the really close ones. Don't be angry about it, you'll be closer to the friends that do stick around.

Lulwa said...

wow , 3 of'em o tomorrow lazim done !! :(
ALLAH ye3enech

i've been there

work hard , when u r done u'll experience such a wonderful satisfaction feelings abt ur self

gd luck :)

Anonymous said...

Thanks a bunch.