Sunday, February 8, 2009

I Hate Fevers

I'm so hot and dizzy right now, it hurts when I look at the screen :( i wanna go to a pharmacy, but don't have the power to do so, :( Sick, trying to blog, and cursing my sickness, I don't have time for this.

Sexy cop.... this is another chance for you to leave nasty comments : [I'd stick my tongue sideways and wink, but don't feel like it.]


Anonymous said...

you should visit a doctor... drink lots and lots of water and Lemon team mint

hope you get well soon...

Anonymous said...

awww poor Hottie =(

take a low dose of ibruprofen to lower the fever (but make sure u have food with it)

and make sure you drink plentyyy of fluids so you keep yourself hydrated

ow roo7 ertaa7! get off the comp and lie down for a bit.

if it gets worse, then you should probably go see ur doctor..otherwise it will pass in few days inshallah.

salamat ow matshoof shar =)

Anonymous said...

I’m flattered.

I would advise you to get off your lazy-ass and go to the pharmacy, its like less than 30 meters away from your gate o_O but you probably already told Esmeralda or your doorman to fetch you the drugs.
and btw, you get sick like every month, you would think that you have a fancy schmancy medicine cabinet :/

i'll fedex you something, but once i get out of bed myself ;)

doona said...

take something for the fever...panadol or brufen =/

salamat dude =)

Hottie said...

Naseem: lol, that's exactly what my dad would say if I told him, I like your family picture btw ;)

Desert Palms: Aww,I wish I knew what ibruholymama meant, lol. Our own little doctor, hahaha. I've rested and am feeling better (not really, but If I think it, it might happen *shrug*)
Allah iysalmich o ishar maiyeech

haha, tiger... her name is tracy, lol... No need, I found some meds that my mom bought for me when she was visiting... How thoughtful of you though, Although...If you can fedex me a burger from delux, that would make me feel sooo much better, lol, craving it for an hour now, Haven't eaten all day. I used to have tons of meds, bu looked at the experation dates on them and most were expired...

Hottie said...

Allah iysalmich, I'm in desperate need of panadol, I should buy it online...

Anonymous said...

emm i think an alternative name is Advil? sound familiar?

i think thats the american name for it lol sorry i only know the british one ;p

*beaar hug* you should take something before you sleep so you can sleep better and you dont feel uncomfortable in the night =)

Razz said...

im so sorry you're sick

hope you get well soon

just sit and relax for few days or so and inshalla you'll get better

Hottie said...

Desertpalms: Yeah... Advil, I know that. I wish they sold Panadol for my headaches, instead I bought Tylenol. I'm taking this french medicine my mom bought for me, its 3 white pills throughout the day, and one blue pill before bed. Not helping too much, but I guess I just started taking them.

Hottie said...

On-the rocks: thank you... I didn't go to class, and I'm not going to studio today...I'm gonna regret it, but I really can't plus I haven't done any of the assignments due today... That sucks, I'm gonna lose so many marks because of this.

Nani_37 said...

hope you get better soon :)

Chatterbox said...

admit it ur just izzzzzSick cuz u miss me :P

Hottie said...

Nani 37: Thanks ;)
Izzio: hahaha, you wish! I just don't have that feeling were you "miss" people. I find it totally weird... Lolz

Anonymous said...

oh we kn0ow ur hot

Hottie said...


eshda3wa said...


hope u feel better sooon

Hottie said...

thank you ;)

Anonymous said...

Aww salamat ;* hope you feel better soon!

Anonymous said...

WOW, you look so sick, i just mine a week ago and still recovering :(