Sunday, February 22, 2009

Damn Son

I've been having strange feelings these days... like my heart is sinking and I'm about to breakdown. I have no clue why... maybe it's stress. I've also been having the weirdest dreams. One that was about mice and rats. Another about my family breaking up. Last night I dreamt that I was at the beach with my brother, it turned dark all of a sudden, and became this awful person and started choking him and forcing his head under water... I also noticed my skin was cracked and I looked scary and angry... Two of my cousins were also in there, but I dont rememeber much of it. Also I was with my grandparents and parents meeting somewhere in london, a coffee shop of sorts, and I think something wasn't right (although my grandma was perfectly fine). I've been having nightmare after nightmare, and I've been supressing a cry for weeks now (probably a month). 

This song makes me feel better though, but now that I've listened to it for so long, I'm getting bored of it... and when I need new music I feel depressed.

Anyways...enjoy it:


Anonymous said...

*hugs* Hottie, just relax =)

atoona said...

lol at the song ;p

i know that feeling..

you dont have to look into the dreams too much, obviously ur stressed, worrying about something or another.. and yes i blame Uni-for all our problems, that is ;Pp

here's one of my fav songs:

Razz said...

the song is amazing, listen to lounge music its better and relaxing...

depression comes with stress, try not to have the same routine everyday and try to go out of the apartment as much as you can,, meet new people discover new things try new stuff, change your life style...

meditate before you go to sleep and make the last thought you have on mind before going to sleep a positive happy one, oo inshalla you'll be ok :)

Hottie said...

Zara: haha, I like hugging.

Atoona: Lol, I really hope you don't know that feeling, it feels terrible. The video is adorable, lol!

Lol, on the rocks, I wish I could go home, and sleeeep...hahaha. I'm at the studio, always am... the work never ends, i have no clue how I'm gonna survive it for the next four and a half years, and then the rest of my life, lol.

Nani_37 said...

I usually listen to some old Disney songs :D

Hope these nightmares stop soon :)

PaLoMiNo said...

It must be the stress!!!

Hope u feel better soon sweetie :**

take a vacation baba okay?!

S E 7 E N said...

yaaaaaah its sucks when you get bad dreams ... i usually wake up read quran and go back to sleep

Bookard said...

nightmares are like a medicine to one's healthy soul :P

Anonymous said...


wainik dudee? long long time!

me miss you! hope ur okay..6amennaaa 3laik =)

l's brain said...

son, are you alive?

Anonymous said...

i fucking miss you but my pride is holding me back!

Hottie said...

I love you cutest cutie... I probably won't see you until December though :(

rudolph said...

i like your page