Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Smokin' Hot!

Most architecture professors are EXTREMELY HOT!! (Especially the young one’s, mmh). Their sophisticated, calm, confidence is driving me CRAZY! Add a good sense of humor to the mix and you've got the perfect species of mankind. I can’t begin to explain how hard it is, when I’m in class, and I’m trying to focus on the subject at hand, but instead I just stare at their faces and start having naughty thoughts. Agh! and the way they walk to the board, and start drawing an example (of something I haven’t paid attention to), they even figure a way to make that into some kind of a sexy show. Agh… what can I say. I never knew I could have this many hot professors in one semester!


Nemo said...

mo a7san mn the ugly/boring type?

rencontrer Pauline said...

watta!! heeey wake up brother keep on focusing the board :P

Anonymous said...

stare at their face and naughty thoughts? doesnt really make sense to me.. weird fetish maybe?
aah.. you better take me to your hot profs classes ONLY.. i could use some hotness in my cold love life.
and I will teach you exactly where to stare;)

Anonymous said...

o bel mara we'll smoke pot while we stare... we;'ll be burning not concerning...

Hottie said...

Nemo: Believe me, I ain't complaining! Lol.

P-ella: shasawee, shaesawee, I can't :.(

jinjin: You don't understand, I look at their faces and imagine stuff... naughty stuff. I seriously wish I didn't, it gets distracting. I hate when they say, "this just might show up on your exam," or "that's the proper way for you to execute your drawings" and I'm like 'fuck! What? AAGGH!' LOL, I wish i can take you, but they don't let people that don't go to my school enter most of the buildings, except for one class, but this post doesn't apply to that class, lol, I'll sneak you in at night, some of the profs might be there at night.

LOL, yeah...I know a few dealers

Hottie said...

btw, that was fast, commenters. (I'm happy)

Anonymous said...

loooooooool eye candy while you learn ;)

we only have reaaaally really old professors..if i had weird thoughts about them..id be seriously seriously sick


Hottie said...

desertpalms: You poor thing, haha. At least you'll focus in class

izzy™ said...

whatever.. ur still boring :P

doona said...

are there any hot male professors?
i might consider a change in career ;)

Hottie said...

beejay: lol, woof!

Dandoon: There might be a few, lol, u should, it's fun, but the assignments are crazy!

Anonymous said...

...wait a minute...

why do architects need to look hot?-.-

all my profs are a bunch'a old, no-where-NEAR-hot, geeky farts...yet I STILL can't focus! -.-

explain? *raises an eybrow & smirks*

btw, interestin' blog you got here!=D

keep bloggin'!(Y)