Wednesday, October 15, 2008

The Perfect City

I just had one of the most inspiring lectures of all time! Enrique Penalosa, the ex-mayor of Bogotá, Columbia was the guest speaker. He was beyond cool! He had a cool-ass accent, was extremely funny, and inspired us to make the world a better place. had this to say about him:


An accomplished public official, economist and administrator, Enrique Peñalosa completed his three-year term as Mayor of Bogotá, Colombia on December 31, 2000. While mayor, Peñalosa was responsible for numerous radical improvements to the city and its citizens. He promoted a city model giving priority to children and public spaces and restricting private car use, building hundreds of kilometers of sidewalks, bicycle paths, pedestrian streets, greenways, and parks. After organizing a Car-Free Day in 2000, he was awarded the Stockholm Challenge Award and rewarded by a referendum vote endorsing an annual car-free day and the elimination of all cars from streets during rush hours from 2015 onwards.


Peñalosa also led efforts to improve Bogotá's marginal neighborhoods through citizen involvement; planted more than 100,000 trees; created a new, highly successful bus-based transit system; and turned a deteriorated downtown avenue into a dynamic pedestrian public space. He helped transform the city's

 attitude from one of negative hopelessness to one of pride and hope, developing a model for urban improvement based on the equal rights of all people to transportation, education, and public spaces.

"I was almost impeached for getting cars off sidewalks which car owning upper classes had illegally appropriated for parking." -- Enrique Peñalosa.

After he finished his speech, I was extremely excited, and had thoughts of making my own city. It would be a small city where technology is at its best. There would be great transportation systems within the city’s downtown area that would not include private cars. 

People in my city would walk more. It would be safer (less children dead for playing too close to the roads) and provide an amazing form of exercise for everyone, and might just be a way to decrease obesity. People would want to go out and smell the fresh air… Children would want to play around without feeling the need to stay away from the road. 

The ground floor of every building would be filled with all sorts of shopping (clothing, grocery, etc. etc.), restaurants, café’s and anything else. I want it to have beautiful architecture (it must be beautiful architecture if I’m the one designing it, lol).

 I want there to be huge-ass sidewalks along the beach for public, with restaurants and boutiques. I want it to have many green parks with amazing man made lakes. The list goes on forever, but you get the

 picture, I want everyone to interact with one another, and I just want it to be heaven!


Before I get too carried away, yeah, the lecture was cool, and I became inspired. I wish I would have that kind of power someday and build my own city!


Anonymous said...

Fast,faster start building that city now,it seems like a heaven for me.I can't wait to live in a place like this.Lots of shopping,nice food and nice people.

PS Pls make a rule,no more finals for students.I seriously need them =( Ok forgive me over exam blues,i crap shits,cant wait to get over it soon.

PPS build more cafes, i need tonnes and tonnes of unlimited supply of coffee!

Hottie said...

Lol, I'm glad you like it, I haven't even explain half of it yet! haha

No Exams and extra coffee coming up. (even though I hate coffe, unless it's arabic)

Anonymous said...

Yes yes! Arabic coffee! Any coffee fine with me as long as it is call coffee. I think i started to fall in love with your post, ok im chessy =P

Anonymous said...

glad u liked it :)

ren_crow said...

Well looks like somebody is going to be doing her masters degree in urban planning ;)

desertpalms said...

a city like that will only work with nice weather..CAN YOU CONTROL THE WEATHER TOOO? =P

if you can..then i want in! sunny days and cool nights please =D ow no rain!

Hottie said...

zara: lol, your not cheesy, just adorable!

GQ: :)

Red Crow: I think I just might!

Desertplams: He also said something about that, he's like new york is extremely cold in the winter, but people are still outside all the time. I was also thinking 'it's humid as hell up there in the summer too'!
When it comes to Kuwait, I have no clue how people will survive outside in the summer. I need to think about that. In Arizona, i remember, one of the outdoor shopping areas had mist control thingys that would make you cooler as you walked, that could be an option, right?

Anonymous said...

lol ee bas you'd have to do that for eveerywhere

you know what i guess it depends on the london its cold and raining and blehh bas we all walk...even inthe rain, just put the umbrella up and the raincoat on and youre good to go! its a matter of getting used to it i guess...

bas 7arr ow r6ooba..i dunno how the hell that can be gotten used to!!

izzy™ said...


izzy™ said...

what is wrong with u.. no seriously..what is WRONG..

izzy™ said...

ya3ni House o golna ok so maybe its too medical for everyone's taste..but seriously, GREY's! that show is not even HATE-able! no.. like seriously.. u have issues :|
ajal esh t7ob :| Beavis and Butthead? :|
how are we even friends :|
im disappointed.. im very very disappointed!
u broke my heart!
eshilli u hate Grey's Anatomy..u CANT hate Grey's anatomy.. its a wonderfully written, AMAZINGLY plotted, inspiring, exciting show..i used to watch episode after episode after episode til the sun came up :| what do u mean u HATE it! :S


5alas esh da.. za3lana minak :( 7a6amtani :|

LA LA LA..u dont get to use the ppl have different taste thing.. this is not subject to taste..u just gotta like it! its that good!


doona said...

i always get worked up after inspiring lecs bs then i somehow forget everything once theyre gone

i advice you to write that down somewhere 3shan la t9eer nafsy :(

Hottie said...

desertpalms: yeah, i guess I'll have to figure out a way to make it bearable :l

izzy: huh? sh9aar? I don't even remember saying that. I don't hate it, I just don't understand why it's such a big deal to everyone.

dandoon: lol, I did write notes, and i wrote this post about it ;P

izzy™ said...

illa.. on pinkish's blog :'( and it IS a big deal :| um..thats kinda why we're making such a big deal..

Nemo said...

i agree with dandoooooooooon 100%
u should write everything maybe a new post :p

Omtantoo7 said...

that was one long lecture!